Volunteer With Us

Downtown Santa Barbara is always looking for energetic, friendly volunteers to staff downtown happenings. To find out more about volunteering opportunities, email Christy@downtownsb.org.
Downtown Hosts - Riding MIKE the Bike!

You can find our Downtown Hosts biking around downtown on our Mobile Information Kiosk Explorer (MIKE the Bike), or placed at popular destinations such as The Courthouse, Paseo Nuevo, La Arcada Court, and the Dolphin Fountain, along with many other locations.
Cruise Ships
Downtown Santa Barbara welcomes cruise ships throughout the year by hosting info tables for the visitors coming off of the ships. Volunteers are welcome to greet visitors and answer questions at the info booth.
4/09/2025 Grand Princess - 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
4/22/2025 Ruby Princess - 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
4/29/2025 Europa 2 - 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM