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BID Membership
It’s true – membership has its privileges! Downtown Santa Barbara members (by virtue of their address bound by Anacapa, Chapala, Micheltorena, and Gutierrez Streets), are located squarely on one of America’s Great Streets– State Street, and are automatically our members. Dues, or assessments, are collected as part of the City’s annual business license. These fees are used to promote, market, produce events and provide decorations that benefit our members.
Strolling State Street is the #1 reason people visit the Santa Barbara region, and we strive to deliver unique events to locals and visitors alike, such as the Annual Downtown Santa Barbara Holiday Events, the award-winning monthly art walk, 1st Thursday (since 2007), and the beloved Downtown Art & Wine Tour (since 1999).
Members are encouraged to participate in these and other events throughout the year, including décor contests, art and cultural events, and retail/restaurant promotions. DSB is proud to represent its members at City Hall, and we work closely with the SB Police Department all in an effort to deliver great benefits to our membership.
To view a PDF of our benefits, click here.
Member Benefits
New BID Membership Benefits to support your business:
• Online Calendar of Events: Add your business happenings as often as you'd like. These are featured on our website and often helps us to populate our e-newsletter and social media calendars.
• Membership Portal: You can update your business listing on our website, and include different photos, descriptions, and contact info at any time. This is an important way to have locals and visitors find your business. Email daniel@downtownsb.org for a tutorial if desired.
• Participation in Downtown Committees and Volunteer Opportunities: The Downtown Santa Barbara Organization hosts several opportunities that you or your colleagues can participate in (listed below). Email robin@downtownsb.org to learn more about joining a committee or volunteering.
o Retail Working Group
o Marketing & Promotion Committee
o Food & Beverage Committee
- CBID Steering Committee
o Downtown Activations and Events Volunteer Team
o State Street Regional Action Plan on Homelessness
• Advocacy: The Downtown Santa Barbara staff and board members are constantly communicating with our downtown members and advocating for their needs. Staff participates in business task forces, attends conferences, and participates in a wide range of activities with the goal of supporting our business community.
• Free Business 1 x 1 Strategy Calls: Available by appointment with Downtown Santa Barbara staff and our partner organization business strategy specialists to support your business! Email daniel@downtownsb.org to learn more and schedule an appointment.
• Business Resources and Trainings: Each month DSB offers free webinars on current issues affecting downtown businesses as well as educational resources to grow your business and navigate these unique times. Make sure your email is up to date by emailing daniel@downtownsb.org and be added to the list.
• Business Mixers: Promote your business and build partnerships at our mixers.
• E-Newsletter: A weekly newsletter of downtown happenings and updates sent to over 4,000
contacts. Email christy@downtownsb.org and request to be included.
• Social Media Highlights: 51,000 followers and growing via Instagram and 11,000 on Facebook. We feature businesses for many different reasons, do giveaways, and more to drive traffic to you!
• Benefits Orientation: Email us to schedule a meeting to learn more about how to access these and other benefits through our organization. Email daniel@downtownsb.org to schedule.
• Downtown Santa Barbara Map and Guide: The indispensable guide of what to see, where to go, where to dine, and what to do in historic Downtown Santa Barbara. Presence in the Map & Guide is only available to Members and Associate Members in good standing.
• Holiday Shopping Guide, Business Directory, Downtown Neighborhood Guide, Video Tours:
We host a comprehensive business directory of all our businesses, as well as neighborhood guides and video tours.
• Community Events: Our team puts on numerous community events such as the monthly 1st Thursday Art Walk, Live Art and Wine Tour, Downtown Santa Barbara Holiday Events, Annual Awards Breakfast, etc.
Associate Membership
For businesses geographically located outside our boundaries, there is still the opportunity to receive our services and benefits for a minimal annual fee. Many Santa Barbara companies throughout the region join us to support our vision for a vibrant downtown. For more information about Associate Membership categories, fees and benefits, email daniel@downtownsb.org or call (805) 962-2098
Sponsorship Opportunities
Downtown Santa Barbara couldn't put on the series of exciting events scheduled each year, without the necessary support from sponsors. Events such as the weekly State Street Promenade Market, the Annual Awards Ceremony (February), our signature monthly 1st Thursday Artwalk, our Annual Live Art & Wine Tour (May), and the Annual Holiday Parade (first Friday in December).If you're interested in sponsoring any of these events please contact Robin Elander at robin@downtownsb.org.