Business Resources
Government Resources
City of Santa Barbara I City of Santa Barbara Police Department I City of Santa Barbara Fire Department I County of Santa Barbara I California Rehab & Recovery I City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department I Downtown Ambassadors
Public Safety Resources
Abandoned Vehicles (Public Property) I Abandoned Shopping Cart Hotline/Form I Addiction Resource I Animal Control I Creeks Hotline (Dumping/Water Quality) I Downtown Ambassadors I Fire Department Non-Emergency I Graffiti Abatement - Removal Hotline I Illegal Dumping I Information (City Hall) I Leaf Blower Complaints I Noise Complaints I Non-Emergency Dispatch Hotline I Pothole Reporting Hotline I Sewer Problems I Shopping Cart Hotline I Sidewalk Cleaning & Landscape Maintenance I Street & Sidewalk Repair I Street Lights I Street Sweeping I Storm Drain Hotline I Traffic Signals I Trash Complaints I Tree Concerns I Vector Control (Rodents & Mosquitoes) I Water Problems (Broken Mains & Street Flooding)
Community Resources
Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) I Visit Santa Barbara I The Chamber of the Santa Barbara Region I Santa Barbara County Arts Commission I Santa Barbara Historical Museum I Santa Barbara Public Library I Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation I University of California Santa Barbara I Santa Barbara City College I Buying Local: Benefits, Methods, and Tips
Homelessness Response Directory
Click HERE to download a PDF version
Safety Card
To Request a printed Safety Card, please email Erik@downtownsb.org or Click HERE for a printable version.
Santa Barbara is a Smoke-Free City The City adopted a new law prohibiting smoking in outdoor public areas to provide a healthy, family-friendly, and clean environment for residents and visitors. Smoke-free outdoor areas will reduce cigarette butt litter, lower the risk of fires, and limit public exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking is prohibited in the following areas:
Smoking is defined to include tobacco, marijuana, and electronic vaping devices. The law is currently in effect with signage planned for installation on sidewalks and other outdoor areas in early 2018. The City will use verbal warnings and public education as the primary means of enforcement. Your cooperation is appreciated. For more information and frequently asked questions, visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Smoking. Become an Ocean Friendly Restaurant! "The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves, and beaches for all people, with chapters located throughout the country. Ocean Friendly Restaurants is a Surfrider program dedicated to helping restaurants minimize their impacts on the ocean by adopting practices that reduce single-use plastic waste and conserve resources. There is no cost to join this program as we strive to help all restaurants reach their environmental goals by closely partnering with them. Through our ten sustainability criteria, restaurants are able to increase awareness, drive change in behavior, and ultimately create scalable impact to reduce our plastic and water footprint. Make waves in our community and be a part of a national movement full of members and supporters working hard to keep our ocean healthy and protected!" |