Who We Are

Welcome To Downtown Santa Barbara
Downtown Santa Barbara is a world away and yet so close. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez mountains and only a day trip from Los Angeles, its natural beauty and historic architecture have been protected for nearly two centuries. With its year-round Mediterranean climate, this central California coastal port is a relaxing rendezvous. Downtown Santa Barbara’s most famous Paseo, State Street, offers renowned architecture and an authentic sense of place, along with amazing shopping, and is a culinary paradise.
Since the days when early Hollywood stars and scions of industry frequented Santa Barbara beaches, this town has become an international tourist resort and summer playground for all. The promise of America’s Riviera beacons you to rediscover the never-ending charm of Downtown Santa Barbara.
The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara, Inc
The Downtown Organization of Santa Barbara, Inc. (DSB) is dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of the Santa Barbara Downtown District for the benefit of its members, Santa Barbara residents and visitors. DSB was first incorporated in 1967 and has served as the collective voice for Downtown Santa Barbara for more than fifty years. Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a team of professional staff, DSB has a long history of leading change, organizing community, and building the brand Downtown Santa Barbara. We pride ourselves on providing services that benefit our members every day and we work in an innovative way to leverage our knowledge and partnership for positive collective impact.
Business Improvement Districts
This is our organization’s fifty-first year managing the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). These are “self-assessments,” meaning the businesses agreed, through a legal mechanism, to assess themselves to pay for certain services that would benefit their businesses. There are actually two BID’s: the Downtown BID created in 1968, and the Old Town BID created in 1976. BID services in Downtown Santa Barbara include marketing, promotion, events, decorations, and other advocacy and activities that benefit the businesses.
Once the BIDs were established, the City of Santa Barbara contracted us to manage and implement the BIDs management plans and programs. While the Downtown Organization merged with the Old Town Business Association in 2004, the two BIDs have continued to operate separately, in compliance with their respective ordinances. Their combined assessment revenues support DSB’s member programs and services that are improving the overall business climate for Downtown Santa Barbara stakeholders.
Board of Directors
Anne Petersen
Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation
Vice President
Matt Olufs
Compass First
Katie Grassini
Grassini Family Vineyards
Co-Chair of Safety Committee
Bob Stout
Wildcat Lounge, Little Kitchen

Robin Gose
MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation
Traci Taitt
The Towbes Group
Chair of Government Relations Committee
David de L'Arbre
Santa Barbara Travel
Hugh Margerum
Presidio Neighborhood
Mark Whitehurst
Voice Magazine
Kathy Janega-Dykes
Visit Santa Barbara
Matt LaBrie
LYNX Property Management
Brandon Ristaino
Good Lion Hospitality
Co-Chair of Safety Committee
Mikki Reilly
Fitness Transform
John Burnett
Hook & Press Donuts
Brian Cearnal
The Cearnal Collective
Larry Feinberg
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Joanne Funari
American Riviera Bank
Laura Knight
Derek Swafford
Montecito Bank & Trust
Nancy Burgner
Lovebird Boutique
Ron Robertson
Balboa Building Manager
Sarah York Rubin
SB County of Arts & Culture
Dawn Sherry
Sherry & Associates, Architects Inc.
Sarah Sinclair
Santa Barbara Independent
Sam Edelman
Santa Barbara Certified Farmers' Market
Richard Yates
Opal Restaurant
Tammy Steuart
Metropolitan Theatres
Peter Lewis
Developer & State Street Advisory Committee Member
Dan Burnham
Retired Business Executive
Christine Hollinger
Ensemble Theatre Company
Andrew Rawls
The Crafter's Library
Honorary Lifetime Directors:
Estelle Karp
Dale Lauderdale
Ginny Brush