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Wildflowers and Wanders in the Santa Barbara & Ojai Mountains

Wildflowers and Wanders in the Santa Barbara & Ojai Mountains

Free Presentation with Q&A

Thursday, March 16th, 6:30PM
Faulkner Gallery – Santa Barbara Public Library
40 East Anapamu St., Santa Barbara, CA

This talk will provide an overview of the different wildflowers in our area, and feature a mix of trails where a variety of wildflowers can be found, and some of the unique plants in our local mountains.

Join author James Wapotich as he shares images and stories from his natural history wanders in our local backcountry. James is a trail guide, UC Certified California Naturalist, Volunteer Wilderness Ranger with Los Padres National Forest, and the author of the Santa Barbara News-Press hiking column, Trail Quest.

This program is part of the Santa Barbara Public Library’s Parks Pass Grant programing, created with funding provided by the State of California, and administered by the California State Library, and part of the Trail Talks series hosted by the Library.

The next talk in the series is Thursday, April 20th, and will feature local geology legend Tanya Atwater.


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Date and Time for this Past Event