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The RevolutionaryHealing Potential of Entheogenic and Psychedelic Medicines.

EntheoMedicine presents Martin Ball, Ph.D., The RevolutionaryHealing Potential of Entheogenic and Psychedelic Medicines. Discover ground-breaking new research into the therapeutic advantages of psychedelic substances in treating PTSD, addiction recovery and end-of-life-anxiety. The talk will be followed by a Q&A Unity of Santa Barbara, 227 Arrellaga St. Sat, March 3rd, 2018 - From 6-9PM TICKETS: Dr. Martin Ball will discuss how and why psychedelic compounds are effective medicines and healing tools with profound potential to treat depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug addiction, various physical issues, and even the #1 condition afflicting humanity: the distortions and false beliefs of the human ego. This inspiring and provocative talk will address: • How psychedelics are being addressed in contemporary scientific and medical studies • Treatment methodologies with psychedelics • How psychedelics can be used for healing in medical, spiritual/religious, and nondual contexts (and the differences between these different approaches and healing models), and • How psychedelics have been used by numerous cultures and in traditions around the world throughout human history. Presenter: A native of Santa Barbara Dr. Martin Ball has gone on to become one of the world’s leading experts and proponents of entheogenic/psychedelic medicines, and is one of the foremost authorities on the relationship between entheogenic experience and nondual awakening and personal transformation. In his work, Dr. Ball lays out his pioneering guidelines for how to understand the human ego as an energetic construct and how powerful entheogens may be effectively used to overcome self-imposed limitations. Dr. Ball is the author of “Entheogenic Liberation”, “Being Infinite”, and “Being Human”. For more information |

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