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Lunch & Learn: Magnificent Monarchs W/ The Xerces Society

Land Trust Lunch & Learns are an annual series of fun, interactive educational experiences. The last Lunch & Learns of 2022 will be held monthly from September – November. The events are free and open to the public, reservations required. WHAT: Join the Land Trust and the Xerces Society for Magnificent Monarchs, a virtual Lunch & Learn all about endangered monarchs, migration, and how you can help. Isis Howard from the Xerces Society will give a virtual presentation on the Western Monarch Count, an annual community science effort to track the status of overwintering monarch butterflies and their habitat in the West. In addition to gaining an overview of monarch butterfly biology, species status, and conservation needs in California, you’ll learn how to collect valuable data on overwintering monarchs in your community! Additionally, Isis will highlight key monarch and pollinator resources and programs available to you, including Xerces’ easy-to-use plant guides and fact sheets, a California-based Habitat Kit program, and even a recently-launched youth education program focused on invertebrates. By the end of the presentation, you’ll have plenty of ideas, tools and inspiration to get involved in monarch butterfly and pollinator conservation, education or community science. RSVP: Registration required—click the link below to sign up and receive Zoom details.

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Date and Time for this Past Event